Sunday, October 28, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Hotfix for the Halloween Special

ArenaNet reacts with a hotfix to the problems of some gw2 gold players in the Halloween special "The Shadow of the insane king."

The Halloween events in Guild Wars 2 is currently considering a number of players, but in which not everything went smoothly. To fix problems with the event, ArenaNet has recorded a server-side hotfix that should fix crashes especially in PvP.

Furthermore, the progress bar for Halloween success corrections and fixes problems with the scavenger hunt that occurred when too many buy Guild Wars 2 gold players started the action. Furthermore, an instance of input has been added, allowing players on reaching the fort of the Trinity to enter Tahernes office and fixed a bug, which Augrund a door in two of the closed paths of Arah remained.

The Halloween events in Guild Wars 2 began on 22 October and goes until 31 October. In addition to exclusive quests including the game-decoration for the festival has been adjusted.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guild Wars 2: "The shadow of the mad king" in the trailer

ArenaNet will hold time for Halloween, the first big-game event for Guild Wars 2, which is now being presented in the trailer.

ArenaNet as part of Halloween, the first major content update for Guild Wars will release 2, which in the name of listening to "The Shadow of the insane king." It starts here on 22 October 2012, 31 October 2012 will be held the last phase. A new trailer is true to the event now. "Halloween is coming up! The festivities are imminent, and Tyria will appear with decorations, new mini-games, new dynamic events and much more in a new light in buy Guild Wars 2 gold. Despite the festivities, there are also those who said the arrival of Halloween and all, what it brings with it fear, "puts it.

New in-game events, mini-dungeons, costumes and decorations await us therefore consistent in four acts. The information comes from the official site. Below you can see the trailer and Halloween pictures.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The fault of Blizz, or the players?

Sorry for the rather cryptic topic header but there's really no easier way to describe what this is about without going into detail.

I just recently got kicked from a dungeon even though I wasn't trolling, ninja pulling, being overly rude, ninja looting, AFKing, slacking or anything else. Why did I get kicked then? Well, they didn't put a reason but the obvious guess it the fact that someone in the group (some random rogue dude) after we'd taken out the first boss and a few random mobs in the heroic suddenly comes out with "why are you demon spec in here?" Now, I have to say this took me aback quite a bit but I guessed what was coming. My response was "please don't start with that whole "this spec sucks" business". Even the tank then said "what's wrong with demo spec?"

The rogue then launches into some speel about how my dps was sucking. (Which it wasn't btw. It was over 30k and while sometimes the lowest, not by a very huge amount). I was starting to get rather upset/annoyed by this point and responded with something like "have you checked my ilvl? I'm gearing up you idiot (or some word to that effect. Bear in mind I was upset at the guy's rudeness). He then launches into something about "At least you could spec yourself right". Anyway, a tiny bit more arguing and harsh comments back and forth and suddenly I find myself kicked from the group.

My point is this. wow gold players should be able to play what ever class they wish to play and whatever SPEC they wish to play. Yes, some specs/classes may do slightly more dps but they should still be viable. Now, this is either the fault of bliz for not balancing each class and spec so they deal exactly the same dps or the fault of the players for thinking there's "one spec to rule them all" with certain classes. I could understand a little more with players being more picky about specs in raids as you wanna try and put the best group together possible but there's no need for it in heroic dungeons. Not to mention demo is actually the second best spec now anyways with destro being the worst.

Personally I'd be keen on saying it's the fault of the players but I just know I'm gonna have a tonne of you coming down on me for saying that. On one hand you respond to questions like "which class should I choose" with answers like "play the class you like best." yet in another breath you're kicking the person from a dungeon group cause they're not playing the most optimal spec or whatever. I recognise it's not all of you out there, but some people seriously need to change their attitude. It's unfair on others.

I should be able to play the class and spec I enjoy without people jumping on me for it being the "wrong choice".

I should also note that dung runs with my guild go fine. Nobody slams me for picking the wrong spec or whatever. If we wipe on occasion we all take responsibility and we try to do better next time. I've learned my lesson however and shan't be joining any PUGs in future unless I'm with at least a couple of guildies.

Yes, I probs sound like I'm whining and to some extent I am. But my underlying point still stands. People should be able to play whatever class/spec they want without being slammed for it.

Personally I hardly ever look at anyone's gear (unless it's a tank who is taking a lot of bursts of damage when I'm healing, and even then I just do it out of curiosity not to make an issue about it) and I hardly ever check people's spec or glyphs as it doesn't matter to me. Really I don't care what spec or gear people have unless it causes a noticeable problem. I don't use any damage meters as I don't care about that either. It's not like you will be unable to complete the dungeon because someone is using a spec that has a little less damage or whatever.

Some people are just, for lack of a better word douchebags, and you're better off not even getting into it with them. Just say you play whatever spec because you want to and leave it at that. I would guess that the problem escalated because of the argument you had with that guy over it.

You're probably right. I shouldn't have gotten so defensive and I shouldn't have risen to it. My anger was not at the fact I got kicked. I did get worked up and called him some choice-words and for all I know we could have BOTH got kicked to save the drama. My anger is that there are people like that. He really didn't have to say anything and there shouldn't be this whole "if you're not playing this particular spec you shouldn't be doing the dungeon" because ANY dps spec is viable as dps in a dungeon. Pouring over dps meters is ridiculous. If there are wipes then maybe look at what's going wrong. But don't come down on someone for having lower dps if it's not affecting the group at all.

I should have the right to pick whatever class/spec combo I wish the same as you have the right to whichever you wish.

We need more people ingame like you and less like that. I just wish people would realise that ANY class/spec is viable. a sidenote. Afflic spec is currently highest DPS (could change) but I don't enjoy affliction which is why I don't play it. I play demonology because that's what attracted me to warlocks in the first place.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Is there high level water that will not give a food buff?

Is there high level water that will not give a food buff? Here are some wow gold players are sharing the experience with us:

Karpman:It's quite annoying when I need to drink, and all I have is milk that gives 200 haste that overwrites my food that gives 200 intel. Is there plain water in MoP?

felhunter:mage food doesnt give a food buff, and restores mana

Elleen:Restorative Amber is currently restoring the health and mana over 10 seconds not 20, making it a very good food and drink when you don't want or need a buff. It's not especially cheap though.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WoW Hack: mass extinction in Azeroth

On multiple servers of the online wow gold game World of Warcraft, it has come on sunday in mass death of player and non-player characters. The reported WOW Insider describes that hackers exploited an exploit to kill in the cities Stormwind and Orgrimmar the entire population. The administrative receiver gap in the online game has been closed, according to a post on the official forums already. The author asks in the name of Blizzard for help in uncovering the background.

In a BBC report an editor of WOW gold insider is quoted, which is sure that the responsible hackers have not knocked down for the first time. But so far they no intervention on this scale had been successful, because this time the hack was achieved considerable.