Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Guild Wars 2's paid PvP tournaments replaced with gratis tournaments, Planet Earth a bit nicer
Today's Guild Wars 2 patch represents a tsunami's worth of sea adjust. Ticket expenditures for paid PvP tournaments, till now the proudly subscription-free MMO's only incentive for in-game payment, will be removed absolutely by the end of the day.
Entry to paid tournaments has been topic to a gem expense since their introduction to the Guild Wars 2 gold game in the Autumn. Gems could be acquired by ranking up, in free tournament reward chests, or by paying in RL cash.
To hear ArenaNet tell it, the main reason for introducing an entry cost to paid tournaments was to ensure a dedicated space for the ultra-competitive. Picture the ticket gem expense as an equivalent to Steam Greenlight's $100 fee - an automated alternative to curation which caters to those serious adequate to pay and leaves free tournaments the preserve of casual PvPers.
However, ArenaNet have since developed an automated ratings and matchmaking process, capable of pairing the po-faced professionals with their like. As such, the ticket cost barrier-to-entry is no longer necessary. Instead, free tournaments will now be divided into one-round & three-round matches, with a separate matchmaking rating for each.
Unused tournament tickets will be exchangeable for Guild Wars 2 Gold, Silver or Copper tournament reward chests by means of a brand new ticket merchant NPC. You will find him next to the tournament master in the Heart of the Mists. Top Qualifying Points earners - now removed as a tournament reward - will shortly be paid off with a "useful in-game prize", to be detailed at a later date.
In addition, ArenaNet are revising rewards for one-round gratis tournaments. Winning teams will now be awarded a brand new match win chest, while the losers will get nothing.
Guild Wars 2: effectively free again (beyond the retail expense, natch). Those of you who PvP - how do you feel about all this?
Extra resources:
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Seeking guidance about server choice dependent upon latency
Hello fellows.
I'd like quite a few guidance about whether I must pick a US or an EU server for better latency numbers.
I plan to play this Guild Wars 2 gold game from Pakistan and I honestly do not know which choice has been known to yield a better latency.
I would also like to know if there's a approach to check latency/ping in Guild Wars 2.
Additionally, if an EU server is the answer within your opinion, which 1 has a outstanding population of English speaking players?
Thank you in advance for any answers I can get.
All servers in a region have the same datacenter. US/World is Texas, EU is Germany. There's a ping check for GW2, I'll find it for you. Alternatively, just use & choose the details center. Texas is Austin, Germany is Frankfurt.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Guild wars 2 new championship game strategy online
We have actually been immersed in the PVP new content since the last Guild Wars 2 update, and as usual, we have checked the player's feedback and assistance in the BBS.
So I'm glad to tell you that from the GW2 gold player's feedback, we will start a new championship game process testing during Jan 28th to Feb 4th. That will be a 1 to 1 team competition, rather than the last 8 team it's used be. Through the test, free championship can also be carried out, but in the end of this week after the test, we will replace into paying championships.
Test method operation mechanism
We use the map of silent storm temple to test the new system for the adaptability of the championship, plus the new program will decide on two team for a single game. That indicates that in the test, you will no longer want through 3 rounds to win the championship award; On the contrary, you only need just a game.
Join method is the same as last tournaments:
1, Enter the PVP hall (After achieve the task in the tutorials, click on the top left corner of the screen Guild Wars 2 cross double sword mark)
2, Dialogue with tournament masters
3, Enter into the championship map you have choosed
When you're join in the Guild Wars 2 gold game in this mechanism, each teams will enter the map at the same time. Win or not is decided from one round, the 2 teams will get the corresponding reward. Then two teams will be transferred back to the hall, where they can into the championship queue once once more.
We hope you can timely feedback to us the double team competition mechanism, and help us evaluate several associated Settings, and eventually make PVP steady development. Our objective is to ensure that the Guild Wars 2 PVP content recognition, rapid matching play, and let you acquire repayment for your pay time, nevertheless also bring you a strong Guild Wars 2 gold game continuity. We need to ensure our strategy can do these things, the new tournament program will help us study more distinct development direction in the future development of PVP.
Entrance fee & reward
Admission: 1 championship tickets
Champion reward
one championship tickets
200 honor
200 rank value
1 point QP
one silver pay championship treasure box
The 2nd reward
100 honor
100 rank value
one copper pay championship treasure box
This really is it! Get in the game to experience this new method!
More Info:
Friday, February 15, 2013
Need to GW2 have kept more classic mmo mechanics?
There is plenty that is good about GW2 though I just located it overwhelmingly tedious. There are many reasons for this that I won't go into, but principally I never felt any sense of immersion. I put this down to the following: -
one) Lack of Quest Hubs: In lots of sections the mechanics just felt over simplistic. The hearts plus the events were just a step too far in removing the player from any meaningful interaction with the game. You just role up and fill the bar, then move on. You do not need to speak to anyone or interact in anyway, you do not even meet the same people since you can just float around the tetris map aimlessly with no rhyme or reason. Even studying skills & combat were just too rapid and simple; and simple= dull.
2) Lack of Defined Roles: Other parts of the game mechanics were too convoluted, such as the group setup, which necessary you to set the roles plus the tactics and to communicate these with your team. Excellent in case you have a regular group, however given that the rest of the game is so desperately casual this appears to be an odd anomaly, & outcomes in the complete mess that are dungeons amongst more casual or uninitiated players or PUG groups.
Furthermore, given that all characters in essence do the same factor there is never that sense of being needed in a group, you're just a replaceable part. Also, the fact your abilities are largely chosen for you juxtaposes awkwardly against the apparent freedom from defined roles.
Given the above, does anyone else feel that GW2 would have already been a better game if it had retained more defined roles & more classic quest hubs?
All the above is IMO so can we please stay away from the usual pointless argument about this.
I'll need to offer an emphatic "Hell no!" with regards to the thread title. The "time-honored MMO" mechanics are what make the other MMOs like, well, the other MMOs. By taking what they have taken and discarding what they have discarded they have developed a exclusive MMO in a sea of clones and I'm glad for it. If the day ever comes that I miss "traditional" factors, like the trinity, quest hubs, static worlds, dull rotation based combat, non-consentual PvP etc. there will always be a lot of MMOs to decide upon from to get that fix. Although what they've done they have done, in my opinion, exceptionally well & I'm enjoying the hell out of, so why would I need it to adjust?
Couldn't disagree with you more on point #1. Quest Hubs & pointless talking without any real story progression and lore is just horrible. And the gratis exploration of an open world is greater then any corridor driven on rails mmo. So, on that point I hope that more MMOs learn from GW2 & do away with quest hubs.
On point #2, well, I hate what GW2 did with the classes. A recent poll on a further widely accepted site overwhelmingly supported the holy trinity procedure over that of GW2 gold. I loved how Rift did the class system. You could be a tank & nonetheless switch to a roll for solo or PvP. That was perfect.
Now, you discussed a lack of immersion, and I too felt this. SWTOR was not a fairly fantastic MMO, although it had the finest story lines in any game, ever. Guild Wars 2 story just plain sucks. Getting my personal story hijacked by a walking cabbage type of sucked too.
Overall, they did a amazing employment with the game, and I think you'll find that they've transformed the MMO landscape forever - for the better.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Guild Wars 2 getting late-February update with Guild Missions, new PVP map, more story
Yet another update is hitting Guild Wars 2 later this month, scheduled to land February 26. Yeah, it really hasn't been long since the last content update, yet this next one's no less worth looking forward to. For 1, ArenaNet will be progressing the ongoing Flame and Frost story arc, which is moving into part two beginning February 26 (four parts total).
Here's a description for the Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm story update:
The situation worsens for the citizens of Wayfarer Foothills & Diessa Plateau. Volunteers have eased the burden, but more refugees hobble down from the Shiverpeaks. The storm there gains momentum, however the forces of fantastic are beginning to rally. They are sending their heroes to defend the land & its peoples. Somebody must hold back the gathering storm.
In Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm, the 2nd installment in this 4-part series, the stakes are raised, & battles rage, in the foothills of the Shiverpeaks.
In addition, Anet is going to be adding Guild Missions, which will let guildies take part in missions that call for more coordinated group play, allowing them to earn Guild Merits for more unlocks and rewards. New dailies will also enable players to pick out their own daily challenges.
On the PVP side of things, the new Spirit Watch map takes gw2 gold players to the Shiverpeaks, where contenders will duke it out among the norn shrines in a picturesque vale. A brand new mode of PVP will also let two teams of equal average rating go head to head.
Looking forward to this, Anet.
Friday, February 1, 2013
GW2: WvW - announced resetting the server rankings
With the introduction of the "game as a guest" function in the context of the January update in Guild Wars 2 also ended the free server transfers. Since many Guild Wars 2 gold players are on the verge chose a new homeworld, which changed the server population and the WvW team of strong server, ArenaNet now holds a slight to the Server Ranking appropriate.
As part of the reset will ArenaNet be phased in. The current line-up opponents. If this is the case on 01.02.2013, the final ratings and rankings are published in the Forum. As usual, the new arrangement will be deciding the grouping of the next installation.
After the start of the new exhibit on 02/01/2013 ArenaNet will be behind the scenes as well as reset all reviews Abweichunge and measuring volatilities. You also use the restart to get the math behind the vote again more closely. For more details, the developers want to tell, once you've played with some numbers and made decisions.
The full announcement for resetting the server rankings can be found on page 2 of this article!
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