Sunday, December 23, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Mad King's Dungeon "Ascent to Madness Act 3" Act 1&2 also

Ok so here we are act 2 of the Mad King's Event. It was fun once once more to track down the king's pages. This time they had a few surprises for me nothing too tough. New to the even this time around is door to other dimensions popping up all over the land.

These Dimensions lead you to the Mad Kings Labyrinth. You can farm & kill monsters there for Halloween goodies. You can also join 3 distinct mini Guild Wars 2 gold games

Lunatic Inquisition= Think manhunt with a touch of zombies ate my team thrown in. It is certainly good old pvp fun for all.

Reapers Rumble= Is a team death match of sorts. You need to beat the other team & accumulate pumpkins on the map. You also have an npc's factor to handle which makes it total chaos.

Mad King's Clock Tower= this really is a jumping puzzle from hell. Incredibly well done it will frustrate you and make you laugh at your failure.

This was a great addition to the first act I look forward to act 3. In the meantime see you in Halloween pvp!

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