Tuesday, April 2, 2013
New Super Adventure Box items in Gem Store now
Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box brand new items are available in the Gem store now! View the news here to know these new items, check out the Gem store and gain those awesome items in Guild Wars 2 gold from gem store to better arm up your gaming characters!
The Miniature Super Trio is now available in the Gem Store. This super package contains three magical images of minis inspired by the Super Adventure Box: a Super Spider, a Super Bee Dog, and a Super Monkey. This Miniature Super Trio is available in the Minis category of the Gem Store for 500 gems.
The Super Adventure Box o’ Fun is now available in the Gem Store. Spawn the Super Adventure Box o’ Fun in the world and anyone can interact with it to get some Super Adventure themed effects. Each box remains in the world for 10 minutes. The Super Adventure Box o’ Fun is available in the Consumable category of the Gem Store for 125 gems each or 5 for 500 gems.
The Super Explosive Finisher is now available in the Gem Store. The Super Explosive Finisher will change your PvP finisher into a super explosion for one hour. This item is usable only in PvP or WvW. The Super Explosive Finisher is available in the Consumable category of the Gem Store for 100 gems each or 5 for 400 gems.
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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Guild Missions: A Fantastic Foundation
It wasn't too long ago that Guild Missions were added into our beloved guild user interface. Since then, guilds have actually been coordinating their manpower and influence to tackle these new challenges situated all all through Tyria. Regrettably, smaller guilds of Guild Wars 2 gold were more or less barred from this experience thanks to the focus being placed on larger guilds. ArenaNet has heard your pleas, & soon, smaller guilds will have a far easier time accessing more sorts of these missions, starting with bounties.
To commence these Bounty Hunt coaching missions, a guild will need to have Art of War level 3 unlocked, 300 influence, & three days available to study the mission. It need to be noted that while these new mission varieties have actually been adjusted to accommodate smaller guilds, a guild of one or two will not have the ability to single-handedly fell these new foes. On the other hand, once complete, guilds will receive a hefty three,000 influence reward for their troubles.
Furthermore to the smaller guild missions being introduced, there are also 3 new bounty targets that are available for the larger guilds to hunt down. We are lucky adequate to have already been given a couple particulars about each monster, so study up and stay on your toes!
2-MULT - This defective prototype climate golem has been storming around Timberline Falls. Target demands to be brought in for a software patch.
Substantial Mayana - This voracious hylek is wanted for questioning about a recent poisoning. Target is thought to have taken refuge in the canopy of Sparkfly Fen.
Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler - This rogue ogre is wanted for spying on & sabotaging a number of factions vying for control of the Fields of Ruin. Target is notorious for using pet rats to do her dirtiest work.
ArenaNet is also hoping to enhance the overall experience of the Guild Missions system by way of several tweaks in UI & rewards, so don't think they've revealed all of their tricks just however.
What're you waiting for? Get in game and start earning that influence!
We've gotten a clarification regarding the new tuition bounty missions from Anthony Ordon over at the official forums:
The intent of the tuition mission is to make it less complicated for your small or less active guild to access other guild missions (or acquire something else you need influence for). It is not meant to replace normal bounty hunts or augment influence gain for guilds that can already earn a ton of it. To that end:
The commendations, rares, and silver are not awarded. That reward is distinct to actual bounty missions.
The coaching mission can be researched & activated as quite a few occasions as you like. You can stockpile up to 10. Keep in mind that researching a tuition mission will tie up one of your research slots & that boosting that analysis with additional influence will eventually cancel out a portion or all of your gains from the tuition mission.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Guild Wars 2: New Items at the living history
Once you have complete finding in Guild Wars 2 successfully, you will find some new items in the hills and hikers at the area of Diessa plateau. The next part of the Frost & Flame updates will release on 26 March 2013.
In the living history of Guild Wars 2, you have to find objects of refugees who have lost on their way to Lion's Arch. From our colleagues' report, there are new findings that you can pick up for the conclusion of success in the living history. The new objects are sword-a refugee, a refugee compass, logbook of a refugee and a refugee ship in a bottle.
The new objects of the living history you'll find in the areas Diessa plateau and hill walkers. For more information about Frost & Flame last update, you may look at our topic page for Guild Wars 2 items or Guild Wars 2 gold.
The new items
Refugee’s Sword Belt, Refugee’s Wooden Solider, and Refugee’s Logbook can be found from a Dirt-Covered Object in Diessa Plateau.
Refugee’s Goblet, Refugee’s Compass, and Refugee’s Ship in a Bottle are both located under Snow-covered objects.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Engineer Powerful Survival and high Harm in WvW
Lately, a variety of folks complain that the engineers had to run away when met whatever sort of professions, thanks to I stayed for a long while in the WvW, so I will introduce 1 set of my builds which is pretty powerful.
You could see the data of my trait line below:
Minor Traits
Creates a bomb when you dodge.
Release quite a few timed mines when your wellness reaches 25%.
30% chance to cause bleeding for 3 seconds on useful hits.
10% increased critical-hit chance against foes with less then 50% health.
Gain regeneration for 10 seconds when you are attacked while under 25% wellness.
All heal skill-sets recharge when wellness reaches 25% (90-second cooldown).
Drink an Elixir B at 75% health.
Using toolbelt capabilities restores 10% of your endurance.
Major Traits
33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits.
Improves rifle, pistol, harpoon gun, and elixir gun range.
50% chance to trigger vulnerability on important hits.
5% of your toughness is converted to energy.
Drink an Elixir S at 25% health. This impact cannot trigger more then once every 90 seconds.
Discharge a bolt of lightning whenever you use a tool belt skill.
Elixir H, Elixir Pistol, Grenade Kits plus the Elixir B basically supply astounding assistance for you in the battlefield, although, we ought to not use them blindly, reasonable blend and targeted use is all what we want. Such as the Elixir B, which you can not use at once when you suffered attack from the foe till your well being is beneath 40%-50%. For your well being remains 25%, your health capabilities will be reset, so that we've got to take this benefit.
Someone asked me why use the Elixir Pistol. This toolkit seems has minimal effect so that several folks think it is a waste and not as outstanding as flamethrower. Were you aware what will I do with it? Indeed, it was unable to cause high damage, however the impact is substantial in case you use the equipment well. For example, when fighting together with your teammates, you can accumulate the bleeding well, though the damage is not high, the bleeding / debuff is substantial.
Supply crates elite skill-sets recognized the correct elite skill. You could apply it in countless methods, such as pursue and attack the enemy, interrupt when the enemy was killing the teammates on the ground. Frequently, it is a good skill.
Now, we can speak about the equipment parts.
As you could see above, my attack is 3230, Key Chance 28%(48% when drinking the Elixir B) and Well being is as much as 21592. The reason that I have so high attack is that 5% of my toughness will turn into power and the rune is used to boost damage and considerable-hit chance. It will cause about 2000 damage when crit and the Grenade Display can generate more than 7000 damage. You could minimize much damage when under the condition of 2495 defense, while such high attack will be the nightmare for quite a few fragile professions.
More helpful hints about gw2 gold at:
Thursday, March 14, 2013
ArenaNet Removing Culling from Guild Wars 2 World vs World
ArenaNet has revealed by means of a brand new blog post that the culling effect a large number of players of Guild Wars 2 are at the moment familiar with will be a factor of the past come March 26th.
Featured in the popular World vs World PvP section of the game, the culling impact would in simple terms limit how a number of people would turn up on your display in exchange for better efficiency, in spite of this it appears ArenaNet are now comfy enough to turn this off.
While this achieved our objective of limiting bandwidth and client-side resource utilization, it had the unfortunate side impact of causing big battles in WvW to be confusing, as there were more often than not a good deal of enemy Guild Wars 2 gold players that were entirely invisible. In addition, there were side effects of culling which might result in stealth characters getting up to two seconds of further invisibility when coming out of stealth. By removing culling, we have been able to eliminate these negative side effects and particularly boost the epic feel of important WvW battles.
Three new solutions have already been revealed to help facilitate Guild Wars 2 item players with varying hardware configurations, such as the choice for high resolution models, lower resolution fallback models & nameplates only.
2 other solutions will also be added to select how WvW characters are displayed, which incorporate WvW character limit, which controls how a large number of of the reported characters render with models and how a lot of render only with nameplates and WvW character quality, which controls how plenty of characters rendered use high resolution models & how quite a few use lower resolution fallback models.
You could look into the difference between culling on and culling off below in the screenshots, nonetheless head over to the blog post for the full run down including a more detailed explanation of just how everything works in the background.
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
Classic Questing in GW2 Cities
I watched this video by WoodenPotatoes & he makes a point on how he would like tranditional questing mixed into the game ontop of the hearts and DE system.. without those classic quests he feels the game feels a bit more "hollow" than it need to without them.
I think in the zones it isn't really needed between the hearts & DE's there is pretty much on the whole something going on or to do, however in cities I think it would be quite a awesome idea. He explains more in the video yet i think it would add a lot to the cities themselves.. All of the cities are massive & have tons of items to see and explore on the other hand overall would add a lot to them if they added in a quest technique inside the cities to get folks more incentives and add more back stories to whats going on in each city making them a lot more enjoyable overall. Once you get 100% map you really have no reason to revisit most of the locations in the city and adding in quests to them would be a amazing addition imho.
To each their own I guess. The last thing I need to see in GW2 gold is traditional questing (though in a way, should you like that the Individual Story i very similarily structured). I love the way the PvE content works in this game, adding static npc's that just spew out the same drivel as every other questing MMOG out there would kill the game for me.
Now that I imagine it, the Living Story may works semi-like a quest, however I think that's about as close as the game is likely to get to adding actual questing.
i don't think it's necessary at all in the zones but like i mentioned above(and he says in the video) in the cities it could add a lot & a lot of more factors to visit all the exceptional places the cities need to offer.. also they might do a lot with it & broaden on the simple static npc drivel.. just would give more causes to explore around the cities other than map completion and venders.. and spread folks around more than just LA.
Having watched the video rather than just reacting to the title, I can somewhat agree with WP's points. The perception of having story-focused 'quests' in the cities is a solid concept. In spite of this I wouldn't call them quests due to the fact that term has pretty negative connotations nowadays and no massive, floaty, yellow ! over NPC heads either. Keep it as it is now, with sprinkled NPCs that have something to say although after you go by means of it, have them give you something to do. The 'I lost the key to my house' is a great example that could help immerse you into the world. I'd for the most part like to see these in the cities, which as remarkable - and beyond anything any other MMOG has ever achieved - they do feel a bit empty because beyond map completion there is little to do in them. Same with Personal 'home' Instance in the cities. They were supposed to be grand, changing and customizing to your story nonetheless they ended up as nothing that no-one ever visits accept RP'ers. Outside of cities, I think more non-combat dynamic events such as the exampled 'repair this guys motorcycle' to flesh out the world and give it each zone several depth would certainly be a bonus.
As to the game world feeling 'hollow' I feel that this can only be stated in case you play the game like a checklist. Were when your in a new zone you just focus on downing a heart, getting all the vistas and POIs, only interact with NPCs by doing the DE's when they pop up or the Meta-Event when that pops. I feel this is a bit of a hold-over from WoW when all folks paid attention to in each zone was completing all of the quests, chain from chain, 'hub' to hub, never reading any of the quest text, never talking to an NPC, just completing their checklist. In point of truth if you stay away from this, explore, speak to named NPCs, there is so way more depth and detail to the zones that basically isn't knowledgeable in the event you just complete your checklist & move on. Secret sectors of the map reveal as you look around in the corners of a zone. Cool & fascinating non-event NPC interactions take place & named NPCs generally have deep stories that tie the theme of the zone together.
On a individual level I find GW2 to be the least 'hollow' or static MMOG I have ever experienced. It is such an natural style of Guild Wars 2 gold game, cities are alive with folks going about their day, cool interactions between NPCs, back-stories to learn as you explore. Most people once again just treat them like a check list. In the event you just complete the map in Divinity's Reach you have missed 'so much' that there is to find that give the city a feeling of being living & breathing that it would astound you. This demands time to explore, interacting with the a range of NPCs, and so on. Zones are active, events everywhere chaining and reacting (particularly post-starter zones) and an amazing amount of detail and hidden spots to discover. Yes, the NPCs walking and talking is scripted nonetheless it'd be an extreme challenge to make this more dynamic or procedurally generated interactions & beyond the purview of an MMOG.
So yes, cities in precise could use more activities. Minimal 'story tasks' that spark off conversations with named NPCs (and not exclamation marks!) that give you a deeper sense of a living city, with non-combat or even investigation or puzzle elements would be incredible. As remarkable as new Dynamic Events may be to the open zones. There's nothing like running across an event you hadn't previously experienced in a zone you 'thought' you'd done everything in. I have completed i.e. Queensdale 3 odd times & each time situated something I hadn't found previously. I'm pretty sure that zone nonetheless has secrets I have however to discover. New, generally non-combat 'story tasks' that you could gain by interacting with named NPCs, or even gain from overhearing a converstaion between 2 NPCs (Oblivion style) would be astounding.
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Saturday, March 2, 2013
Monthly update for Guild Wars 2
ArenaNet has announced that the second of four episodes of Flame and Frost has arrived.
In addition to the ongoing Living Story, he did leave the area Shiverpeack refugees because of the battle, this new update for Guild Wars 2 gold will bring the following enhancements:
Team up for the missions of Guild: you can join their guild mates to unlock and face a new category of content. These missions, designed for group play coordinated, including rewards, puzzles and group challenges across multiple areas
PvP challenges between two teams: is a new type of competitive PvP, two teams of the same level you can beat in a match fast and intense. The ranking of each team member will be updated after the challenge
New PvP maps - Spirit Watch
Opportunity to choose their own daily goals
Preview of items in the Trading Post
For more details about the update, check out this address.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Guild Wars 2's paid PvP tournaments replaced with gratis tournaments, Planet Earth a bit nicer
Today's Guild Wars 2 patch represents a tsunami's worth of sea adjust. Ticket expenditures for paid PvP tournaments, till now the proudly subscription-free MMO's only incentive for in-game payment, will be removed absolutely by the end of the day.
Entry to paid tournaments has been topic to a gem expense since their introduction to the Guild Wars 2 gold game in the Autumn. Gems could be acquired by ranking up, in free tournament reward chests, or by paying in RL cash.
To hear ArenaNet tell it, the main reason for introducing an entry cost to paid tournaments was to ensure a dedicated space for the ultra-competitive. Picture the ticket gem expense as an equivalent to Steam Greenlight's $100 fee - an automated alternative to curation which caters to those serious adequate to pay and leaves free tournaments the preserve of casual PvPers.
However, ArenaNet have since developed an automated ratings and matchmaking process, capable of pairing the po-faced professionals with their like. As such, the ticket cost barrier-to-entry is no longer necessary. Instead, free tournaments will now be divided into one-round & three-round matches, with a separate matchmaking rating for each.
Unused tournament tickets will be exchangeable for Guild Wars 2 Gold, Silver or Copper tournament reward chests by means of a brand new ticket merchant NPC. You will find him next to the tournament master in the Heart of the Mists. Top Qualifying Points earners - now removed as a tournament reward - will shortly be paid off with a "useful in-game prize", to be detailed at a later date.
In addition, ArenaNet are revising rewards for one-round gratis tournaments. Winning teams will now be awarded a brand new match win chest, while the losers will get nothing.
Guild Wars 2: effectively free again (beyond the retail expense, natch). Those of you who PvP - how do you feel about all this?
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Seeking guidance about server choice dependent upon latency
Hello fellows.
I'd like quite a few guidance about whether I must pick a US or an EU server for better latency numbers.
I plan to play this Guild Wars 2 gold game from Pakistan and I honestly do not know which choice has been known to yield a better latency.
I would also like to know if there's a approach to check latency/ping in Guild Wars 2.
Additionally, if an EU server is the answer within your opinion, which 1 has a outstanding population of English speaking players?
Thank you in advance for any answers I can get.
All servers in a region have the same datacenter. US/World is Texas, EU is Germany. There's a ping check for GW2, I'll find it for you. Alternatively, just use speedtest.net & choose the details center. Texas is Austin, Germany is Frankfurt.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Guild wars 2 new championship game strategy online
We have actually been immersed in the PVP new content since the last Guild Wars 2 update, and as usual, we have checked the player's feedback and assistance in the BBS.
So I'm glad to tell you that from the GW2 gold player's feedback, we will start a new championship game process testing during Jan 28th to Feb 4th. That will be a 1 to 1 team competition, rather than the last 8 team it's used be. Through the test, free championship can also be carried out, but in the end of this week after the test, we will replace into paying championships.
Test method operation mechanism
We use the map of silent storm temple to test the new system for the adaptability of the championship, plus the new program will decide on two team for a single game. That indicates that in the test, you will no longer want through 3 rounds to win the championship award; On the contrary, you only need just a game.
Join method is the same as last tournaments:
1, Enter the PVP hall (After achieve the task in the tutorials, click on the top left corner of the screen Guild Wars 2 cross double sword mark)
2, Dialogue with tournament masters
3, Enter into the championship map you have choosed
When you're join in the Guild Wars 2 gold game in this mechanism, each teams will enter the map at the same time. Win or not is decided from one round, the 2 teams will get the corresponding reward. Then two teams will be transferred back to the hall, where they can into the championship queue once once more.
We hope you can timely feedback to us the double team competition mechanism, and help us evaluate several associated Settings, and eventually make PVP steady development. Our objective is to ensure that the Guild Wars 2 PVP content recognition, rapid matching play, and let you acquire repayment for your pay time, nevertheless also bring you a strong Guild Wars 2 gold game continuity. We need to ensure our strategy can do these things, the new tournament program will help us study more distinct development direction in the future development of PVP.
Entrance fee & reward
Admission: 1 championship tickets
Champion reward
one championship tickets
200 honor
200 rank value
1 point QP
one silver pay championship treasure box
The 2nd reward
100 honor
100 rank value
one copper pay championship treasure box
This really is it! Get in the game to experience this new method!
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Need to GW2 have kept more classic mmo mechanics?
There is plenty that is good about GW2 though I just located it overwhelmingly tedious. There are many reasons for this that I won't go into, but principally I never felt any sense of immersion. I put this down to the following: -
one) Lack of Quest Hubs: In lots of sections the mechanics just felt over simplistic. The hearts plus the events were just a step too far in removing the player from any meaningful interaction with the game. You just role up and fill the bar, then move on. You do not need to speak to anyone or interact in anyway, you do not even meet the same people since you can just float around the tetris map aimlessly with no rhyme or reason. Even studying skills & combat were just too rapid and simple; and simple= dull.
2) Lack of Defined Roles: Other parts of the game mechanics were too convoluted, such as the group setup, which necessary you to set the roles plus the tactics and to communicate these with your team. Excellent in case you have a regular group, however given that the rest of the game is so desperately casual this appears to be an odd anomaly, & outcomes in the complete mess that are dungeons amongst more casual or uninitiated players or PUG groups.
Furthermore, given that all characters in essence do the same factor there is never that sense of being needed in a group, you're just a replaceable part. Also, the fact your abilities are largely chosen for you juxtaposes awkwardly against the apparent freedom from defined roles.
Given the above, does anyone else feel that GW2 would have already been a better game if it had retained more defined roles & more classic quest hubs?
All the above is IMO so can we please stay away from the usual pointless argument about this.
I'll need to offer an emphatic "Hell no!" with regards to the thread title. The "time-honored MMO" mechanics are what make the other MMOs like, well, the other MMOs. By taking what they have taken and discarding what they have discarded they have developed a exclusive MMO in a sea of clones and I'm glad for it. If the day ever comes that I miss "traditional" factors, like the trinity, quest hubs, static worlds, dull rotation based combat, non-consentual PvP etc. there will always be a lot of MMOs to decide upon from to get that fix. Although what they've done they have done, in my opinion, exceptionally well & I'm enjoying the hell out of, so why would I need it to adjust?
Couldn't disagree with you more on point #1. Quest Hubs & pointless talking without any real story progression and lore is just horrible. And the gratis exploration of an open world is greater then any corridor driven on rails mmo. So, on that point I hope that more MMOs learn from GW2 & do away with quest hubs.
On point #2, well, I hate what GW2 did with the classes. A recent poll on a further widely accepted site overwhelmingly supported the holy trinity procedure over that of GW2 gold. I loved how Rift did the class system. You could be a tank & nonetheless switch to a roll for solo or PvP. That was perfect.
Now, you discussed a lack of immersion, and I too felt this. SWTOR was not a fairly fantastic MMO, although it had the finest story lines in any game, ever. Guild Wars 2 story just plain sucks. Getting my personal story hijacked by a walking cabbage type of sucked too.
Overall, they did a amazing employment with the game, and I think you'll find that they've transformed the MMO landscape forever - for the better.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Guild Wars 2 getting late-February update with Guild Missions, new PVP map, more story
Yet another update is hitting Guild Wars 2 later this month, scheduled to land February 26. Yeah, it really hasn't been long since the last content update, yet this next one's no less worth looking forward to. For 1, ArenaNet will be progressing the ongoing Flame and Frost story arc, which is moving into part two beginning February 26 (four parts total).
Here's a description for the Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm story update:
The situation worsens for the citizens of Wayfarer Foothills & Diessa Plateau. Volunteers have eased the burden, but more refugees hobble down from the Shiverpeaks. The storm there gains momentum, however the forces of fantastic are beginning to rally. They are sending their heroes to defend the land & its peoples. Somebody must hold back the gathering storm.
In Flame and Frost: The Gathering Storm, the 2nd installment in this 4-part series, the stakes are raised, & battles rage, in the foothills of the Shiverpeaks.
In addition, Anet is going to be adding Guild Missions, which will let guildies take part in missions that call for more coordinated group play, allowing them to earn Guild Merits for more unlocks and rewards. New dailies will also enable players to pick out their own daily challenges.
On the PVP side of things, the new Spirit Watch map takes gw2 gold players to the Shiverpeaks, where contenders will duke it out among the norn shrines in a picturesque vale. A brand new mode of PVP will also let two teams of equal average rating go head to head.
Looking forward to this, Anet.
Friday, February 1, 2013
GW2: WvW - announced resetting the server rankings
With the introduction of the "game as a guest" function in the context of the January update in Guild Wars 2 also ended the free server transfers. Since many Guild Wars 2 gold players are on the verge chose a new homeworld, which changed the server population and the WvW team of strong server, ArenaNet now holds a slight to the Server Ranking appropriate.
As part of the reset will ArenaNet be phased in. The current line-up opponents. If this is the case on 01.02.2013, the final ratings and rankings are published in the Forum. As usual, the new arrangement will be deciding the grouping of the next installation.
After the start of the new exhibit on 02/01/2013 ArenaNet will be behind the scenes as well as reset all reviews Abweichunge and measuring volatilities. You also use the restart to get the math behind the vote again more closely. For more details, the developers want to tell, once you've played with some numbers and made decisions.
The full announcement for resetting the server rankings can be found on page 2 of this article!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Unveils 'Flame And Frost' Update
ArenaNet and NCsoft made a promise to add new content to Guild Wars two on a normal basis, & it looks like they are generally speaking keeping their word. Today, the developers announced that the most recent major content update for Guild Wars 2, the long awaited Flame and Frost Prelude, is now live on all servers.
Today's update could be just what the physician ordered to improve the enthusiasm for Guild Wars 2 in the online gaming community. The game speedily sold 2 million copies after the exceptionally anticipated launch in August of 2012, although, once gw2 gold players began to reach the level cap, assistance for the game dwindled caused by the lack of end game content.
Guild Wars two is still doing well despite the troubles over the end game and perhaps this update will bring back much of the players who lost interest in the game. Without doubt, Guild Wars two offers the smoothest leveling experience of any MMORPG and the PVP is world class. It is not beyond the ability of ArenaNet to add the essential quests & dungeon raids demanded to fill the gaps and appeal to gamers who aren't hardcore PvP fans.
Judging by the official list of tweaks, fixes, and additions contained in the Flame & Frost Prelude, the developers are well conscious of what they must do to take Guild Wars 2 to the subsequent level. The team made a herculean effort to polish the game and their hard work is obvious in today's update.
The gaming writers here at The Inquisitr have played the game since beta & we have consistently felt Guild Wars 2 is blessed with incredible potential. It is encouraging to see ArenaNet paying attention to the wishes of the player base and taking the necessary steps to enhance the game.
Maybe the right hint of the intentions of the developers is in the name of the update itself: Flame & Frost Prelude. A prelude is just a beginning, and it is a promise that there is still a lot more to come. Players and fans of Guild Wars two have already been put on notice that this is only the beginning of a new direction to broaden and enhance the game. We can't wait to see what Arena Net has planned for Guild Wars 2 in the months ahead.
Here is the official announcement form the Guild Wars 2 Homepage:
The sky falls plus the ground shakes in the lands of the north. Charr and norn refugees crawl from the wreckage of their houses in the Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau, struggling to find shelter in the south. The call goes out for volunteers to help the victims in this time of need, when earth & sky appear to have turn into the enemy...
Flame and Frost: Prelude is the prologue to a multi-stage narrative that will bring huge changes to Guild Wars 2 gold in the months to come.
New Features:
Temple of the Silent Storm Week
From January 28—February 4 the common eight-team/three-round paid tournaments will be replaced by two-team/single-round paid tournaments in the Temple of the Silent Storm map. After the week is over, we'll add Temple of the Silent Storm to the common rotation of each free and paid tournaments.
Improved Achievement Procedure:
We are adding a new rotation of every day achievements to add variety & encourage you to explore the open world. You will get unique achievements every day of the week and a brand new achievement tracker in the UI to make it less complicated to track your progress.
New Achievement Laurels:
You'll earn these brand-new laurels as a reward for daily & monthly achievements!
Redeem these laurels for rewards like the new Ascended gear and Infusions!
With the new guesting program, you could play with buddies on other worlds in the same region (North America, Europe) without changing your homeworld. Guesting is gratis, however going forward there will be a gem fee for transferring home worlds, so make sure you're on the home world you need to permanently play on before 28 January!
New Utility Infusions & Ascended Amulets:
We are adding a wide range of new gear that could be purchased with the new laurels.
With five new Utility Infusions & 30 Ascended Amulets to pick from, there is something for each and every style of player.
More Upgrades & Improvements:
We are making a ton of other improvements to the game this month, such as enhanced performance in WvW, tweaks to the dynamic level adjustment strategy, and UI improvements, which will be detailed within our release notes.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Guild Wars 2: Wintersday dealer Tyria return soon back
Anyone who has completed his business yet with the winter-dealers should hurry up. On 28 January reverse this Tyria back.
During the winter, Germany still has a firm grip and ensures covered landscapes, was the winter event in the online role-playing game "Guild Wars 2 gold" already a while ago to end.
Despite all this, the winter-dealers continue to frolic in Tyria, and offer you the opportunity to complete several transactions with them. Those who have not yet done so, should hurry up. Because as confirmed today by officials, the winter dealer Tyria next Monday, the 28th January turn back.
"The festive season is coming to an end, and grab the last remaining winter dealer their things. Making sure that you have completed all your business with them no later than 28 January (PST) when the festive Lionguard is ready to leave and leave Tyria is, "said Community Manager Ramon Domke.
Furthermore, we would once again point out that on 28 January, a further update will be released to "Guild Wars 2", which brings, among other things, the host function with itself.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Guild Wars 2: End of the free transfer function and "companionship" on January 28th
Scheduled for January 28, according to the guild will play with friends on other servers Guild Wars 2 will sign the transfer is free.
+ JeuxVideo.fr so on: Guild Wars 2: End free transfer function and "companionship" on January 28th
NCsoft, the publisher of MMO Guild Wars 2, announced via a press release adding functionality "buddy" on January 28th: it will free her character to travel to other worlds on a temporary basis for meet friends for example.
This option is accessible via temporary transfer window "Select worlds" of menu: simply choose a world in the list to be offered the "companionship", then choose the character of their choice. NC Soft As stated, this option "buddy" comes with some restrictions listed below:
Movement is limited to the region of the world's original character: a character on EU server can not go on a U.S. server.
The trip inter-server is limited to two worlds at once over a period of 24 hours: visited each world counts as one of two possible worlds.
Once selected a world, it is possible to visit as many times as desired.
Logically, the journey to a world full or sparsely populated carries the risk of ending up on a map of overflow.
In consideration of this new functionality, transfers of people will not be free as of January 28th: their cost (gems purchasable for real money via in-game gw2 gold store) will depend on the attendance of the target server. NC Soft also states that he will - logically - not transfer his character to a new server.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Sells three Million Units, Outline for the Games Future
Guild Wars 2 director Colin Johanson has announced that the game has sold more than 3 million units since its release in August. The announcement came part of the unveiling of what is planned for the gw2 gold game in the coming months.
"It's been a fantastic ride so far - in the few months since Guild Wars two launched we've sold more than three million games & have turn into the most crucially acclaimed MMO of 2012," stated Johanson.
"One of our focuses is expanding & leveraging our achievement procedure," stated Johanson about the games future. "The perception behind this really is to allow players to earn new rewards for achievements, along with advancing down achievement paths that take benefit of the open world experience."
"Guilds are an astonishingly critical to the gw2 gold game. We must make sure there's a amount of content to foster this robust community/social bond," added Johanson. "To that end, we are working on adding new kinds of content to the game in early 2013 that will allow guilds to go on missions together."
"Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to create on the world we've built, to make it more powerful, to refine & strengthen the game dependant upon the core vision of Guild Wars 2, & to make GW2 an experience in contrast to any other online game," said Johanson.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Where's the Scavenger Hunt post?
Hey guys,
Just a fast update on where the complete scavenger hunt method stands since I know that's a topic countless of you have brought up lately. We are not at present actively working on building any type of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this really is something we've got to do in the future & we're in the midst of designing how this would function, although no 1 is actively building this feature and you shouldn't expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.
We're however working on expanding reward strategies to make them more re-fulfilling across all parts of the gw2 gold game, making the open world more rewarding, & adding new methods you can earn precursors as rewards by means of new reward methods taking benefit of our open persistent world.
Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, & will get talked about in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the particulars about this release once checking has signed off it's all ready to go in January. (we'll also provide a high level summary of our ambitions with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which will need to be out next week)
Read More Here:
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Jonathan Sharp and future SPVP
Jonathan "Chaplan" Sharp posted a message on the official forums about the future updating on SPVP.
It states that no more major patch will be deployed during the month of January without specifying dates.
However, he still held to speak on the future of structured PvP, which currently has no known novelty, the team is focusing mainly on class balance.
At the latest to be made to SPVP, we will be entitled to:
Customizable arenas
The priority of the developers is the creation of custom arenas that will allow players to create their own servers SPVP to exercise with friends. This addition will also offer gw2 gold players the ability to create custom tournaments.
Coast, matchmaking and ranking
System and matchmaking side that will face teams from the same side in the tournament fee. All this will be complemented by a ranking.
Team 1 VS 1 team
Currently, the tournaments are held with eight teams compete. With this new system will be tested on the battlefield Hall of quiet storm, you will be able to pay a tournament against one team (instead of 3). If you win, you get rewards less important compared to 8 teams in the tournament.
Here is the summary of the post Jonathan Sharp. It should be noted that this post has been very well received by the Anglophone community. Some pretext had enough of "we will do that soon" and wanting clear and precise dates, others find instead that these additions would be made the basis for saying have a PvP more interesting.
Indeed, we can assume that these additions make the state a hasty exit and an aspect of the Gugame half finished. The fact that we can not enjoy these additions before February (hopefully) do not necessarily arrange things. Hopefully ArenaNet put into overdrive to improve the content of Guild Wars 2.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
This is War! & ArenaNet is Winning
ArenaNet talks about their success in the war against Bots.
Mike Lewis, Security Coordinator for Guild Wars two, wrote a weblog post revising players on the present war against bots in the Guild Wars 2 gold game. In the post Lewis goes a tiny into how ArenaNet is combating bots, yet the most astonishing information is the tough stats.
In just the month of November ArenaNet terminated over 34,000 accounts for botting. That is a considerable amount of dead bots, though is all of that making a distinction in the war? I would say most most certainly yes! The volume of bots reported in October was over two,000 each hour. Today there's around 20 bots reported an hour. Down to 1% of what it was just 2 months ago!
Lewis mentioned this was doable thanks to all of the details that ArenaNet collects & analyzes. They check out the facts for each standard players and automated bot players to quickly find and hunt down bots, a process that ArenaNet targeted making automated to expedite those dastardly bots' defeat.
The bot fighting process is not absolutely automated in spite of this. GMs still roam the world and are in a position to monitor and detect bots directly from within the gw2 gold game. ArenaNet also continues to use player bot reports as well, which with the GM tools and data analysis tools enable for a speedy action when required. So while the war is going exceptionally well, players are nonetheless in a position to help keep the enemy at bay.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Resurgent Guild Wars 2 tops Personal computer download chart
MMO stands for Me Must Own, it would appear, after Guild Wars 2 stormed to the top of the most recent PC download chart.
It is a number of months since the rich, sprawling masterpiece was released, but NCsoft's RPG sequel is the present most coveted by clients at online retailer Green Man Gaming as we nudge towards Christmas.
There is no doubting the gw2 gold game's quality - it scored our 94% & an editor's choice gong. It is, in spite of this, surprising to see the game nudge ahead of Far Cry 3 (EU Only) at quantity 2 in the chart and quite a few as-yet-unreleased hot property in the form of Tomb Raider at number 3. Lara Croft was going good guns in last week's finest-sellers list, topping the tree for pre-order games.
The rest of the list features quite a few familiar favourites which includes a clutch of former chart-toppers. Although 1 soldier back for one more tour of duty is EA's Battlefield 3. It is like Black Ops II never took place...
Here's the full top 10 PC download chart:
one. Guild Wars 2
2. Far Cry 3 (EU Only)
3. Tomb Raider (pre-purchase)
4. Borderlands two
5. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
6. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
7. Battlefield three
8. Assassin's Creed 3
9. Football Manager 2013
10. Hitman: Absolution
Friday, January 4, 2013
Guild Wars 2: New build guides for all classes
In early December we introduced last before guides that have been stored in our Build section for Guild Wars 2. Since then, numerous other contributions have been added, one of which we now want you again present a selection for all classes.
If you save yourself a guide in our Build section on GuildWarsCore.de with us and other readers want to ask so available, planar first in our GW2 planners build your respective talents.
Then post the very bottom of "Yes, I want to create a guide" button, then choose a title and a focus (PvP, PvE, etc.) and add a description. If you click on the "save guide", your guide will be automatically directed to build our index. There he can read and comment on other Guild Wars 2 gold users.
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