Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Engineer Powerful Survival and high Harm in WvW

Lately, a variety of folks complain that the engineers had to run away when met whatever sort of professions, thanks to I stayed for a long while in the WvW, so I will introduce 1 set of my builds which is pretty powerful.

You could see the data of my trait line below:

Minor Traits
Creates a bomb when you dodge.
Release quite a few timed mines when your wellness reaches 25%.
30% chance to cause bleeding for 3 seconds on useful hits.
10% increased critical-hit chance against foes with less then 50% health.
Gain regeneration for 10 seconds when you are attacked while under 25% wellness.
All heal skill-sets recharge when wellness reaches 25% (90-second cooldown).
Drink an Elixir B at 75% health.
Using toolbelt capabilities restores 10% of your endurance.

Major Traits
33% chance to burn for 2 seconds on critical hits.
Improves rifle, pistol, harpoon gun, and elixir gun range.
50% chance to trigger vulnerability on important hits.
5% of your toughness is converted to energy.
Drink an Elixir S at 25% health. This impact cannot trigger more then once every 90 seconds.
Discharge a bolt of lightning whenever you use a tool belt skill.

Elixir H, Elixir Pistol, Grenade Kits plus the Elixir B basically supply astounding assistance for you in the battlefield, although, we ought to not use them blindly, reasonable blend and targeted use is all what we want. Such as the Elixir B, which you can not use at once when you suffered attack from the foe till your well being is beneath 40%-50%. For your well being remains 25%, your health capabilities will be reset, so that we've got to take this benefit.

Someone asked me why use the Elixir Pistol. This toolkit seems has minimal effect so that several folks think it is a waste and not as outstanding as flamethrower. Were you aware what will I do with it? Indeed, it was unable to cause high damage, however the impact is substantial in case you use the equipment well. For example, when fighting together with your teammates, you can accumulate the bleeding well, though the damage is not high, the bleeding / debuff is substantial.

Supply crates elite skill-sets recognized the correct elite skill. You could apply it in countless methods, such as pursue and attack the enemy, interrupt when the enemy was killing the teammates on the ground. Frequently, it is a good skill.

Now, we can speak about the equipment parts.

As you could see above, my attack is 3230, Key Chance 28%(48% when drinking the Elixir B) and Well being is as much as 21592. The reason that I have so high attack is that 5% of my toughness will turn into power and the rune is used to boost damage and considerable-hit chance. It will cause about 2000 damage when crit and the Grenade Display can generate more than 7000 damage. You could minimize much damage when under the condition of 2495 defense, while such high attack will be the nightmare for quite a few fragile professions.

More helpful hints about gw2 gold at:

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