Wednesday, November 28, 2012
ArenaNet denies rumors
ArenaNet explains: There are definitely more than two employees of the World vs. World PvP balancing and responsible.
Having been in the Guild Wars 2 community the rumor went around that at ArenaNet only two employees were responsible for the WvW and PvP balancing, referring the developer position. The rumor has been in circulation in that a statement made by Jon Peters, Game Designer at ArenaNet, was misinterpreted. Jon Peters has denied these rumors on the official website and makes it clear that responsibility for the PvP area and WvW programmers, designers and quality assurance staff are. For any changes to the fields but fewer people are employed. Thus the rumor should have been put to an end.
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
GW2: PvP and WvW balancing - How does it work
An earlier statement by Jon Peters was by some gw2 gold players seem to be construed that only two people at ArenaNet on Guild Wars PvP balancing or work second In a detailed post game designer Jonathan Sharp put the facts right now, and went about it later, how things actually work in the studio.
In his contribution, Sharp first examines the composition of the PvP teams. This would consist of programmers, designers, quality assurance staff and Environment Designer. While many PvP features require the cooperation of all members of the team, there are also some that are more heavy programming or more graphics intensive.
Even the WvW team was similarly organized. This set is also made up of designers, quality assurance staff, programmers and environmental designers. "The WvW makes a huge piece of cake GW2, and therefore the WvW team can fully concentrate on the needs of the WvW" said Sharp.
Balancing feedback you get from several people, but only a small part of which was then responsible for the actual implementation of the adjustments, as Jon had said in his original post. The changes would be incorporated after the meetings.
Whether they are there to WvW changes, accept the WvW designers to implement. In accordance with the changes to PvP is the PvP designer responsible and when it is actually constituted a mere change in the balancing, so do not take the designer who just free capacity.
Sharp then goes again into the details on what employees currently participating in the balancing meetings:
Currently, our balancing meetings attended by the following people in different combinations depending on the topic:
Jon Peters: Game Designer
Charles McLain: Game Designer
Representatives of WvW team, including QA and Design
Representatives of the dungeon team, including another Game Designers
Representatives of Live Response Team, including some QA people who spend A LOT of time, ALL aspects of the buy guild wars 2 gold game to play through
Other representatives of the PvP teams such as Tyler Bearce (designer) and Roy Cronacher (QA)
Izzy: Senior Designer
I (Jonathan Sharp): Game Designer
In the discussions we grab on important issues and problems, listen to what players of higher levels have to say, read the forums and play the game in order to form your own impression can.
Generally the team was keen with the changes the maximum number of gw2 gold players to meet. The complete article by Sharp in the English forum you can read a German translation of Ramon Domke introduced in the German forum.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Special discount only for Thanksgiving day
Today is Thanksgiving day,it is an official United States federal holiday that is observed on November 22 this year. Most office is therefore closed on Thanksgiving Day, and it presents a perfect opportunity for us to indulge friends in an activity.
Yeah,most of us are celebrate that day with our family together,at that time, is also thanks to all of our Guild Wars 2 gold buyers.
In order to celebrate this festive, we have offer a big discount for our players. Click here to get the gift coupon now. May you a happyness day!
Hot Sales for Thanksgiving
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Notice: All the gift coupons could be accumulated, which could only be used on purchasing from us during the promotion time. And also, you couldn't use gift coupons more than 10% off the amount you have to pay. E.g: if you want to buy stuffs of 200usd then you could only use 20usd gift coupons maximum. However, on Thanksgiving Day (2012-11-22 PT), you could use gift coupons up to 15% off the amount you have to pay.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Amazon Hits: These are the 25 most popular games
The games on offer at Amazon is amazing. Action, adventure, sports game or simulation - fans of all genres come at their expense.
IMAGE COMPUTER GAMES presents the 25 best selling products of the past month and compares prices.
25 games for PC and consoles
IMAGE COMPUTER GAMES presents the 25 best-selling games on Amazon last month. Represented like pretty much all genres and platforms, seller, and are available to pre-game announcements. Be inspired!
Amazon Hits
The first half of the Bundesliga is nearing the end, but the digital versions for football fans continue to enjoy great popularity.
With "Fifa 13" and "Football Manager 13" made it two in the top 5. As hip action game won only "Battlefield 3" a front position (position 3). Right to the top made it surprisingly a simulation. What? You can see in the gallery: the Amazon hit gw2 gold game of the month.
In the gallery you can see the Amazon bestseller thanks addition to product information, the currently cheapest internet price.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Guild Wars 2 teaser video for update "The Lost Coast"
"Guild Wars 2" is on 16 November with the content update "The Lost Coast" upgraded. Today ArenaNet released a matching trailer.
The online role-playing game "Guild Wars 2" will soon be equipped with the expansion "The Lost Coast". The update brings - as the name suggests - including a new playing field with itself, that brings the eponymous coast in the center. There are also some additional content. To once again draw attention to the update, ArenaNet presents a suitable teaser trailer.
"The Lost Coast" is on 16 November will be introduced as part of a series of events. The features of the update:
A mysterious explorable area, which is open to players of all levels
A new dungeon
A new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of the Kodan
New equipment, ranging from additional weapon skins on item improvements to another category of items between the degrees of "exotic" and "Legendary"
Craft updates including new biodegradable resources and 200 new recipes
An in-game event, the 16th of Friday until Monday, the 19th November takes place
"To make it easier to make friends than ever, the puzzles and Events Update 'Lost Coast' to contest together, Guild Wars 2 will open its doors for an audition, can be invited to the friends. Starting today, players who bought the game, invite up to three friends to the gw2 gold game between the 15th and the 19th November free to try, "said the company.
Schedule for the event "The Lost Coast":
Thursday 15th, November, 18:00 CET (17:00 GMT): Start the game free trial, update build is released
Friday 16th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start of the event "The Lost Coast"
Sunday 18th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start the event last phase
Monday 19 November, 07:00 CET (06:00 GMT): the end of the event and the free game trial
Tags: buy guild wars 2 gold ; gw2 gold
Monday, November 12, 2012
"Guild Wars 2" material decomposition FAQs
The first step of decomposition is naturally decomposition tool,the npc selling tools called merchant (merchants) are in large and small cities and towns,if you are looking for the businessmen do not have this stuff, then it is likely that you see the arms merchants (weapon merchant ) armor merchant (armor merchant) or karma businessman (karma merchant). If you can not find,pls pay more attentions to look for.
Decomposition tool, a total of five, etc., respectively, corresponding to <10%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and a 25% chance of rare materials and <20%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% chance of back your embedded in equipment goods (gems), the natural price is also more expensive.
As for what can be decomposed is also very simple, you do not armor, weapons, and jewelry can be decomposed and, more importantly, many white name items write salvage item, do not hesitate, these can also be decomposed. The method is to double-click the decomposition tool, and then click the items you want to decomposition. the trophy class items salvage item can also be decomposed Note.
Decomposition of the material as shown in the figure, a community design interface very intimate in the decomposition of the material label will indicate that this material is what to do with, if you learn a particular skill, this skill's name will be high The bright display gw2 gold is green, if learning this skill but your skill points less than this material, the reality is red, suggesting to you that I will have the opportunity to use.
The backpack is too small to fit the material how to do? Directly the upper right corner of to find gear labels deposit all colletible all material transmitted to your bank materials Curry, convenient than Viking pockets also. Idea of two things: 1, bank material library, that place can only put the material, if you can not find the words to see the third figure the left side of the window, is the second label is not the first; 2 each the location of the material there is an upper limit, if you find the memory does not go in the life and death of a particular material described this bank material library items have reached the maximum (250) the the material library space visual should account sharing (acount vault) Use with caution.
1, do not be afraid of the materials are still in the bank when making inconvenient to take all craftsmanship desk can let you free to pick and place any material directly into the bank, including the bank of things very convenient
2, saw the parcel on the map, please do not direct throw the bank to sell, double-click to open so that you double-click to open, which is filled with a variety of materials and a little coin, to sell too wasteful. If you are in the production of the specialized items found some items you do not, then look for the production station near the npc asked, they likely will have to sell. For example, when you use the chef needs vinegar Daguai not blame away vinegar ...... (fog) npc will sell vinegar to give you the the (unlock 'waves in a sea of jealousy' elite skills).
3, some of the material is always not hit, if you found some materials can not find, please consult your nearest merchant npc, because some of the material, only they will sell.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Guild Wars 2:ArenaNet shares the schedule for its next major content update
The next major event in ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2, called The Lost Shores, will begin at noon PST on November 16. According to a post on the official Guild Wars 2 site, at that time something will happen in the hub city of Lion's Arch that will spread into other parts of Tyria.
Events will continue throughout the weekend until on November 18, a one-time event will begin that will run for "multiple hours." The event will permanently alter parts of the world so that after it's done, you'll have access to new content.
The Lost Shores is the second big content update to Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet has teased that it will somehow involve the Sea of Sorrows.
In case you're not yet familiar with Guild Wars 2 yet, check out the IGN review.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Guild Wars 2 : Halloween Diorama Contest Winners
ArenaNet has updated their site to include the winners of this years' Halloween Diorama Contest!
The first Halloween of Guild Wars 2 has come and gone, and we put our community’s creativity to the test with the Guild Wars 2 Halloween Diorama Contest. You didn’t disappoint—we received so many impressive entries that it was a tough task to choose our favorites. Everyone here at ArenaNet pitched in to view the dioramas and choose gw2 gold winners. They had no knowledge of the identities of the contestants.
Grand Prize Winner - Manuel S - Italy
Grand Prize Winner - Manuel S - Italy
Second Prize Winner - Elenem - Poland
Third Prize Winner - Ryan C - USA
ArenaNet has confirmed the prepared ability to change character names
Support staff ArenaNet Gail Gray gave an unequivocal answer to the question of the options to change the names of characters in Guild Wars 2. He said that such a possibility is guaranteed to appear in the game, and the acquisition of rights to a name change will be made in Black Lion Trading Company / Gem Store.
But from the time you enter this particular clarity in the gw2 gold game yet - its implementation "will take some time." Apparently, this means that in the November update for content change of names get no time.
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Sunday, November 4, 2012
Guild Wars 2 - Teaser for game event in November, new screenshots
The developer plans apparently for the November 2012 a great game event in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 There are also seeing new screenshots.
Apparently the developer plans for the course of November 2012 a great gw2 gold game event in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2. It suggests at least one current teaser on the official website. There is much to see yet though, but already own the following passage suggest large.
"Something is stirring in the sea of sorrow ... In the Lost Coast solves a mystery with monstrous proportions, a world-shaking event that will forever change Tyria! "
Specific details on the event are not yet available. However, we have equipped our online gallery just with new screenshots. This will show you some scenes from the Lost Coast. This plays in said game event most likely play an important role.
Once new information in this respect, you will find this course immediately on
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Halloween event is not renewed because of "Sandy" and announced new update
ArenaNet has started on Halloween, the first big-game event for Guild Wars 2. This is not renewed due to Hurricane "Sandy".
Guild Wars 2 is currently in organizing the Halloween event, but then on the East Coast of the hurricane "Sandy" rages, some gw2 gold players apparently asked for the extension of the event, so that affected people can also unlock all achievements.
Martin Kerstein has now confirmed on the official forums that this was not possible unfortunately. The reason is that, at one 15th November 2012 already wants to publish the next big content update. Details of the content were not done.
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