Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Guild Wars 2 teaser video for update "The Lost Coast"

"Guild Wars 2" is on 16 November with the content update "The Lost Coast" upgraded. Today ArenaNet released a matching trailer.

The online role-playing game "Guild Wars 2" will soon be equipped with the expansion "The Lost Coast". The update brings - as the name suggests - including a new playing field with itself, that brings the eponymous coast in the center. There are also some additional content. To once again draw attention to the update, ArenaNet presents a suitable teaser trailer.

"The Lost Coast" is on 16 November will be introduced as part of a series of events. The features of the update:

A mysterious explorable area, which is open to players of all levels
A new dungeon
A new PvP map, which is housed in a dojo of the Kodan
New equipment, ranging from additional weapon skins on item improvements to another category of items between the degrees of "exotic" and "Legendary"
Craft updates including new biodegradable resources and 200 new recipes
An in-game event, the 16th of Friday until Monday, the 19th November takes place
"To make it easier to make friends than ever, the puzzles and Events Update 'Lost Coast' to contest together, Guild Wars 2 will open its doors for an audition, can be invited to the friends. Starting today, players who bought the game, invite up to three friends to the gw2 gold game between the 15th and the 19th November free to try, "said the company.

Schedule for the event "The Lost Coast":

Thursday 15th, November, 18:00 CET (17:00 GMT): Start the game free trial, update build is released
Friday 16th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start of the event "The Lost Coast"
Sunday 18th, November, 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT): Start the event last phase
Monday 19 November, 07:00 CET (06:00 GMT): the end of the event and the free game trial

Tags: buy guild wars 2 gold ; gw2 gold

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