Sunday, November 4, 2012

Guild Wars 2 - Teaser for game event in November, new screenshots

The developer plans apparently for the November 2012 a great game event in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 There are also seeing new screenshots.

Apparently the developer plans for the course of November 2012 a great gw2 gold game event in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2. It suggests at least one current teaser on the official website. There is much to see yet though, but already own the following passage suggest large.

"Something is stirring in the sea of sorrow ... In the Lost Coast solves a mystery with monstrous proportions, a world-shaking event that will forever change Tyria! "

Specific details on the event are not yet available. However, we have equipped our online gallery just with new screenshots. This will show you some scenes from the Lost Coast. This plays in said game event most likely play an important role.

Once new information in this respect, you will find this course immediately on

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